"Shouldn't we also recognize that this abundance of birds, of various species, sings us the glory of an entire river, of an entire estuary whose ecological richness is immense and deserves adequate protection."


Austin Reed, Researcher Emeritus, 2014

The Société de protection et d'aménagement de l'Île aux Pommes (SPAIAP)

The privilege of owning an island always carries the same responsibilities. The generations that preceded us have invested love, energy and expertise in this project to develop and protect a tiny but vibrant island in perpetuity for the benefit of the true owners, the eider ducks and the winged wildlife that find refuge there. In order to respect the approach of those who preceded us and to continue their work, we have put in place a legal structure whose mandate and rules will ensure adequate protection for the future.

In 2013, we created the Société de protection et d'aménagement de l'Île aux Pommes, a private foundation with charitable status whose mandate is to plan, coordinate and manage all protection and development activities on Île aux Pommes and its infrastructure while developing activities to enhance the natural environment, while respecting the various ecosystems and winged wildlife.

Habitat enhancement activities will be developed, while respecting the carrying capacity of the environment, to maintain or restore, as necessary, a significant number of viable ecosystems that can support biodiversity and meet the needs of eiders and other representatives of winged wildlife on the island.

Our coat of arms